Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Carne Potata and the LBBS

My top boy Glen Frietag sent in these creations.I didn't hear form him for like 3 months because he was living in the wilderness in Vermont. But this is what he came back with. There is nothing better then a true sandwich lover behind the counter at a deli. Especial when its a slow day...

"Some sandwiches to rock ya socks alright so im sendin you two sanwiches, i been toying with,

The Carne Potata, i made when werk got slow at the deli, they leave me with all this good ass food and noone to make it fer so i had to get a little mad scientist on it.

Its a sub roll smathered with spicy brown mustard, a thick layer of roast beast. Topped with bacon, provolone cheese, and a thin layer of potatoe salad. It goes without sayin add a little salt and pepper you got a 2 course sandwich that eats like a meal. ya heard.

and the other:

the LBBS london broil broc salad

this high class cadillac of a wrap was easy as hell to make cause the brocolli salad was done fer me, But its Brocolli chopped up fine, with bacon and shredded romano cheese on top of thinly shaved grilled london broil. with a coleslaw dressing,wrapped in a whole wheat or sun dried tomato wrap. little experimental but i made it as a special and sold a shiton. get some."

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