Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Pico fuckin roasto chicken tacos yo yo

Balls came through again with the baller ingredients and presentation with these chicken tacos
"Yo son, I got these sandwiches.

We got the pico fuckin roasto chicken tacos yo yo.

fry up the roast bird with some fuckin pico de gallo
tortilla with melted cheese. more cheese over the bird. Then pico (fuck salsa) Then lettuce. That way all your dope topping don't slide right off the pile o' lettuce. Super crucial step for any epic taco.
Take notes taco bell.
I'm not into sour cream.. Big woop .wanna fight about it?

Side not * Once you start eating a taco of this proportion DON'T LET GO!!!! Whatever you want to cram into your mouth half way through isn't worth spilling your tacos guts everywhere. Plus, That's what that other hand is for"

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