Saturday, May 5, 2012

Back by POPULAR demand

I've been slacking on the mansion for the past 2 years for numerous reasons. But an overwhelming tsunami of demands by the sandwich loving community both online and in person have convinced me to get it going again. That and the fact I can do it all from my phone now. I have decided to get back on my horse and once again dominate the sandwich world online. Submissions are still welcomed with open arms no matter the picture quality

The reason I picked this sandwich for the return post is to raise awareness of boars head's new line of cheeses one of which happens to be chipotle gouda oly chit mang! If your local deli doesn't have it yet ask for it. It's unreal.

So what I'm working with here is cracked pepper turkey, capicolla, chipotle Gouda and jalapeƱo mayo. It's one hot tamale that packs a punch of flavor!